Rosette Trigger Grip
The Rosette Trigger Grip is a single handgrip that relocates any rosette based camera/lens grip to a comfortable handgrip position for shoulder rigs. It is compatible with the Canon C400, C300 Mark III, Canon C500 mark II, Canon C200, Ursa Mini, Panasonic Varicam and the Canon 18-80 lens grip to name a few. The Trigger Grip attaches to an M6 Rosette, such as the rosette on the side of our VCT Pro. If you are looking for a pair of dual handgrips, click here.
Features of our Trigger Grips:
Our trigger grips are the most adjustable grips available. They allow for single-handed 360° rotation with the simple press of a trigger. The two handles rotate independently of each other. Flip them down for a low, rock-solid handgrip. Raise it up for more of an Aaton style position. Or quickly flip them both all the way up to set your camera flat on the ground or for storing in a case. Or stagger them if that is more comfortable to you. The length of the handgrips can also adjust by loosening a red lever and pulling the grip out or pushing in.
Extension cables for the C400 and C200/C300 Mk III/C500 Mk II sold separately.
Canon C400 USB extension cable
Canon C200/C300 Mk III/C500 Mk II extension cable